Salutem Piramide - A Cigar That Rises to Overcome Great Challange
Nowadays everyone is making different cigars. And cigars with different names. Some of the names are made up and some have a great story behind them. Salutem, which is actually a Latin term that is used as a greeting means more. It has a connotation of something that has overcome a monumental life challenge. It ‘salutes’ those who live life to its fullest. This name and cigar were inspired by personal experience from the Torano team and they dedicate it as a toast to all of us who overcome adversity in our lives to enjoy and live life.
When you look at the cigar it presents as a classic stick. It has a medium brown wrapper, slightly oily and without softness. It is supple and evenly packed. I punched mine and it lit easily.
This cigar is very well constructed. It burned evenly and held a nice long dark grey ash. The edge of the stick was so even that you could use it to draw lines. And the burn was cool through the entire smoke.
The flavor of this cigar is complex. It is a medium to full bodied cigar, without the bitterness of pepper. While I wouldn’t describe it as creamy it has a silky mouth feel. The smoke sits heavily in your mouth creating a very rich flavor. The Cameroon tobacco in the filler gives a nice chocolatey taste that I found to be most prevalent in the middle of the smoke. As it continued to smoke, the intensity grew revealing a cedary finish. I kept rolling the smoke in my mouth as I was enjoying the cigar trying to place each of the particular tastes. It was hard and finally I decided that I would just consider ti a great complex flavorful cigar.
Salutem is packaged in a 12 count box. That makes it a great value for what it is. I can’t image not having some of these in my humidor at all times. A note to my friends, if you let me look through your humidors, check my pockets on the way out. I might just take a few of these with me.