Product Details
SMITHWICKS IRISH ALE Smithwicks seemed to be the other alternative (to Guinness) in Ireland. Or at least it was the other option where ever we went (pubs etc). Sampled a crystal clear, light amber color with a bronze hue. A soft white head with ok retention and lacing through out the tasting.The nose is soft with a light malty aroma. Some minor sweet caramel and husky notes. Very light overall. Some minor earthy hop aroma but very light. The yeast is very clean, almost like a lager.The taste is similar in that it has a lageresk feel. The malt comes out lightly with a more grainy and husky note. But there is a sweet caramel note. There is a bit of butter that comes out but is light. The yeast is very clean with a light phenol but very crisp and clean. Some minor hop notes but limited.The body is light with a slight dry finish. As mentioned, clean and crisp. Overall this is kind of like a hybrid amber/lager with limited taste overall. Very easy to drink and easily attainable in Ireland.