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Cornell & Diehl

Hand Blended Pipe Tobacco

Cornell & Diehl Pipe Tobaccos are known and sought out all over the world, whether it be our own blends or those we manufacture for others, such as the very popular and well respected G.L. Pease line of pipe tobacco blends and the Two Friends line of tobaccos. The success of Cornell & Diehl, Inc. can be attributed to our faithfulness to the origins of the company. Producing the finest quality tobaccos and offering exemplary customer service is still our primary focus and goal.

Some of the CORNELL & DIEHL Blends

Adagio, Americana, Apples & Cream, Apricot Brandy, Apricots & Cream, Atlas Balkan, Autumn Evening, Back Porch, Bag Piper, Bailey's Front Porch, Balkan, Barrister, Bayou Morning, Bayou Morning Flake, Bayou Night, Berries & Cream, Berry Good!, Big Ben, Big n' Burley, Billy Budd, Black Bourbon, Blackberry Brandy, Black Cherry, Black Duck, Black Frigate, Black Gold Maple, Black Satin, Black & Tan Cavendish, Blend #7, Blenheim, Blockade Runner, Boker Or (Morning Light, a response to Boker Tov, or Good Morning), Bow-legged Bear, Brandy Station, Briar Fox, Bridge Mixture, Brigadier, Burley Straight, Byzantium, Canal Boat, Capt. Bob's Blend, Cap's Blend, Cherry Cavendish, Cherry Jubilee, Chocolate Cavendish, Chocolate Nougat, Coconut, Coffee, Coffeenut, Comfort, Competition Blend, Consolation, Constellation, Cordial, Corinthian, Craig Stark's Blend, Crooner, Cross-eyed Cricket, Crowley's Best, Dark Caramel, Dark Chocolate, da Vinci, Easy Times, Elegant Emu, Engine 99, Epiphany, Espresso, Evening Rise, Exclusive, Golden Ash, Gran Marnier & Chocolate, Gray Ghost, Green River Vanilla, Guilford Courthouse, Halav U'Dvash (Milk and Honey), Hard Cider Cavendish, Haunted Bookshop, Home From the Hills, Honey Cavendish, Intercourse, Interlude,Irish Blessing, Jamaican Rum, Junkyard Dawg, Kajun Kake, Kelly's Coin, London Squire, Longevity II, Luxurious, Manhattan Afternoon, Maple Cavendish, Mello Nut, Merlin's Choice, Mild & Mellow, Mild English, Mild English, Mississippi Mud, Mocha, Morley's Best, Mountain Camp, Natural Cavendish, New Market, Night Train, Nutty Virginia, Odessa, Old College, Old Hollywood, Old Joe Krantz, Orange Sherbet, Oriental Silk, Orient Express, Orion's Arrow, Or L'yom (Daylight), Olam (Light of the Universe), Opening Night, Pasha's Dream, Peach Brandy, Pegasus, Pennington Gap, Pirate Kake, Plantation Evening, Plum Duff, Plum & Rum, Plum Pudding, Poplar Camp, Professor, Purple Cow, Rajah's Court, Raspberry Cordial, Red Carpet, Red Odessa, Red Stag, Repose, Reverie, Ridin' the Raid, Rocking Chair, Safe Harbor Flake,Sam's Blend, Sangria, Scanlish, Scot's Heather, Scot's Pub, Sha'are Orah (Gates of Light), Shandygaff, Snug Harbor, Spice Nut, Stanhope, Star of the East, Star of the East Flake, Stratfordshire, Strathspey, The classic Scottish blend, Strawberries & Cream, Strawberry Cavendish, Sunday Picnic, Sunset Harbor Flake, Super Balkan, Tawny Port, Three Friars, Trinidad, Tuggle Hall, Unique, Vanilla Cavendish, Virginia Gentleman, Walter Franklin, Winchester, Winthrop: Somew, Yale Mixture, Yorktown

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SKU: 656498468464
Cornell and Diehl Americana Availability: 3 IN Stock
Display Pipe Tobacco Help
Cut: Ribbon
Tobacco: Black Cavendish, Burley, Latakia, Virginia
Taste: Pleasant
Packaged In: 2oz Tin
  • Buy 1 for $18.00each.
  • Buy 5 for $16.00 each.
  • Steve Steve's Smoking Low Price:
    10 for Only
    $15.30 each.

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