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Product ID: 3600SKU: BEER 221
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Everyday Low Price: $4.00
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Product Details

PRESIDENTE PILSNER Finally getting down to reviewing Presidente, a beer that many Caribbean travelers finally had the chance to purchase in these parts a few months ago. It pours a clear pale straw topped by a finger of white foam. The nose comprises corn, puffed rice, and a touch of mild skunk. The taste brings in more of the same, in true adjunct beer fashion, though there is now a bit more corn and a bit less skunk The body is a heftyleaning light, with a moderate carbonation and a watery feel. Overall, a pretty sad, boring beer. I assume those who have fond memories of this beer were really just remembering the good times they had on cruises and whatnot...


Short DescriptionBread and cracker malt contrasts nicely with pleasant grassy hops, and a slight mineral note.
DescriptionPRESIDENTE PILSNER Finally getting down to reviewing Presidente, a beer that many Caribbean travelers finally had the chance to purchase in these parts a few months ago. It pours a clear pale straw topped by a finger of white foam. The nose comprises corn, puffed rice, and a touch of mild skunk. The taste brings in more of the same, in true adjunct beer fashion, though there is now a bit more corn and a bit less skunk The body is a heftyleaning light, with a moderate carbonation and a watery feel. Overall, a pretty sad, boring beer. I assume those who have fond memories of this beer were really just remembering the good times they had on cruises and whatnot... (
Cartersville GA Store QTY0
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Cigar Pairing SKUBRI 02
CitySanto Domingo
State or CountryDominican Republic
Brewery WebSite
ColorYellow - Light
Mouthfeel / BodyLight
CategoryAmerican Lagers
Style (American Lagers)American Adjunct Lager