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Hopsecutioner IPA

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Product ID: 3555SKU: BEER 163
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Hopsecutioner IPA

Availability: In stock.

Everyday Low Price: $4.00
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Product Details

Pours out a nice orange, small head, very mild lace.

Citrus, wonder bread, slight pine and toffee make up the smell.

Citrus, floral hops, tobacco and saltless saltine start of the taste. The finish is citrus and grass, light but lingering. A little thin for the style.

A nice, aggressively hopped brew from the South. Almost would call this their attempt at a West Coast IPA. Though I wouldnt put it in my normal rotation (which I cant anyway being I live in CA, not GA), I would never turn one down if offered. Nice job Terrapin!


Hopsecutioner IPA …you may lose your hop head over this one!

You love hops, you ask for hops, and Hopsecutioner delivers! This Killer IPA earns its title by being brewed with six different hops to create an aggressive, yet exceptionally well-balanced, beer. Expect citrus and pine on the nose with a beautifully bitter finish; a strong malt backbone keeps the bitterness in check. We brewed this IPA for hop lovers and you may lose your hop head over this one!

Short DescriptionExpect citrus and pine on the nose with a beautifully bitter finish a strong malt backbone keeps the bitterness in check.
DescriptionTERRAPIN HOPSECUTIONER BOTTL Pours out a nice orange, small head, very mild lace. Citrus, wonder bread, slight pine and toffee make up the smell. Citrus, floral hops, tobacco and saltless saltine start of the taste. The finish is citrus and grass, light but lingering. A little thin for the style. A nice, aggressively hopped brew from the South. Almost would call this their attempt at a West Coast IPA. Though I wouldnt put it in my normal rotation (which I cant anyway being I live in CA, not GA), I would never turn one down if offered. Nice job Terrapin! (
In Depth

Hopsecutioner IPA …you may lose your hop head over this one!

You love hops, you ask for hops, and Hopsecutioner delivers! This Killer IPA earns its title by being brewed with six different hops to create an aggressive, yet exceptionally well-balanced, beer. Expect citrus and pine on the nose with a beautifully bitter finish; a strong malt backbone keeps the bitterness in check. We brewed this IPA for hop lovers and you may lose your hop head over this one!

Video TitleHopsecutioner IPA

Cartersville GA Store QTY0
Gadsden AL Store QTY0
Rome GA Store QTY21
NameHopsecutioner IPA
Cigar Pairing SKUOLIVA 38
State or CountryGeorgia
Brewery WebSite
ColorAmber - Copper
Mouthfeel / BodyMedium
CategoryAmerican Ales
Style (American Ales)American IPA