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Have you recently placed or received an order and need help or have questions?

Click Here... to Get help with recent purchases, inquire about order status, delivery, returns, invoices, or other order-related issues.

The My Account Dashboard is the main customer account area to answer all of your questions.

When you access the Dashboard you can immediately see detailed recent order information and individual customer information at a glance. Additionally you can also see Recent Tags and Reviews in an easy-to-view format.

How to Log into ‘My Account Dashboard’:
  • Click Here..... or ‘My Account’ Located at the top and Bottom of every page.
  • If you are NOT already logged in you will be prompted to do so.

Once Logged in you will be taken directly to the ‘My Account Dashboard’ where you can view your account information, your address book, your orders, product reviews you created, product tags, your newsletter subscriptions, your wish-list, and even free downloadable products.

Email Cutomer Service Using the Form Below:

A representative will usually respond to your email inquiry within one business day.

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Still Got Questions: Just Call Us!

"We're known for our unparalleled customer service."

  • RStar We're frendly, knowledgeable, and efficient.
  • RStar Please feel free to call us at (706) 204-9345.
  • RStar We are here for you Monday - Friday 10am - 5pm EST.
  • RStarFor Faster service, please have a copy of your invoice ready.