When Padron is on the label, quality is a matter of family honor.
With over forty-six years to create a perfect cigar and more than 100 years to create a perfect legacy, the Padron Family understands the significance of time. We deliver only the finest, handmade, complex cigars with the flavor of the Cuban heritage out of which the Padron recipe was born. Our primary mission is the exceptional quality of our product, not the quantity produced.
As a vertically integrated, family-owned company, we pay personal attention to every detail throughout all steps of our tobacco growing and cigar manufacturing process. Because we strive to give you, the smoker, the confidence that each cigar is the same….. Perfect.
When you remember life’s important moments, you’ll remember Padron.
Striving to create cigars worthy of special times is the singular motivation hehind Padron Cigars. For years, Padron smokers have shared with us stories of special moments in their lives that have been distinguished by smoking on of our cigars. This too is how we in the Padron Family live our lives. Great cigars have been the centerpiece of many our most memorable moments-those moments shared with family and friends. The Padron Family Thanks you for your continued loyalty and trust in the Padron name.
There are four series that comprise the Padron Cigar offering:
- Padron
- Padron 1964 Anniversary Series
- Padron 1926 Series
- and the Padron Family Reserve
- On occasion we manufacture a special release commemorating a significant family date or event. Each series embodies its own characteristics and complexity we invite you to experience them all.