CAMACHO CIGARS - Bold, Rich and Smooth Camacho Cigars was founded in 1961 by Simon Camacho and acquired by the Eiroa family in 1995. Now part of the Oettinger Davidoff Group, Camacho Cigars is based out of Danli, Honduras and specializes in authentic handmade Cuban seed cigars. After being exiled from Cuba in 1961, Simon Camacho, who was originally from Cuba, began his cigar business in Miami, Florida. Simon Camacho’s cigars gained success in the United States, as well as abroad and even found a fan in the company of British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. Consequently, Camacho has since named one of its most popular cigars after Mr. Churchill. Production during this period reached 2 to 3 million cigars per year and the quantity continued to grow as the 1990s cigar boom years approached. |
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Camacho Corojo Robusto | Availability: 22 Sticks IN Stock | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Camacho Ecuador Gordo | Availability: 24 Sticks IN Stock | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Camacho Ecuador Robusto | Availability: 36 Sticks IN Stock | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Camacho Nicaragua Churchill | Availability: 25 Sticks IN Stock | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Camacho Nicaragua Robusto | Availability: 46 Sticks IN Stock | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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