ACID CIGARS - The Aromatic Powerhouse
Expressed in four distinctly different lines every single cigar within the ACID Family is a Unique Smoking Experience.
Given the vast array and very limited production of some, it may be truly impossible for any one smoker to imbibe all the incarnations of ACID cigars.
But seeking them and experiencing each is an exalting quest.
We have these ACID CIGARS Blondie, Cold Infusion Tea, Deep Dish, Extra Ordinary Larry, Krush Classic Blue Connecticut, Kuba Deluxe, Kuba Kuba, Ming Dynasty, Nasty, One, Roam, Wafe, 1400cc, Atom Maduro, Kuba Kuba Maduro, Toast, Liga Privada Undercrown Gordito, Liga Privada Undercrown Robusto, Liga Privada Undercrown Gran Toro, Liga Undercrown Corona Viva, Natural Dirt Petit Corona, Krush Clasics Gold Sumatra Tin, Natural Larutan Dirties Tin,
Click the Cigar Babes Butt to See a BIG ASS LIST of ALL the Cigars we Carry