The Alec Bradley Cigar Company has one goal: to give the cigar smoker an unforgettable experience. Founded by Alan Rubin in 1996, Alec Bradley Cigar Company has distinguished itself as a world-class boutique producer and purveyor in the premium cigar industry. The Alec Bradley brand is synonymous with quality and accessibility, garnering top ratings from critics and expanding a loyal clientele.
Currently, Alec Bradley Cigar Company has ten full-time employees at their corporate offices in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, and 13 sales representatives covering eighty percent of the United States. The Company markets and distributes 12 lines and will introduce 2 more lines in 2011 the Alec Bradley Black Market and the Alec Bradley Fine and Rare. When Mr. Rubin was asked about the success of Alec Bradley he stated "we live true every day, believe in our products and respect one another".